Saturday, December 30, 2006


China has changed so much since i last went there some years back. I used to be able to testify that all the horror stories about China's poor sanitation facilities were true, but now, though there's still plenty of room for improvement, i think it's quite tourist friendly!


I shall upload the photos before i get too lazy to do them next time. I'm having trouble studing MicroB anyway.. :)

Xiamen airline aircrafts are very small! 2 3-seaters on each side only. But the service was quite good :)

Shanghai 南京路。

We queued for the famous 南翔小笼包。They were absolutely worth the wait! Not only were they yummy, they cost SGD$2 for 16!
One thing about china i will not forget is the common bad translations!
For example, 南翔鱼翅蟹黄灌汤包 was translated as 'dumpling stuffed with ovary and digstive glands of craD

新上海 and 老上海. I wanted so much to see the much talked abt 东方明珠塔。But it was too foggy! My mom said this will be a good reason to visit shanghai again -grin-

新天地。 the place where young people hangout.


|Food of Shanghai| Spot the roast dog meat and pig snout on a satay stick!

|Suzhou| 古色古香?

所谓:“上有天堂,下有苏杭”, don't you think 杭州 is very pretty! Too bad i had very little time there. I will definitely go back :)