It's amazing how i got to try 2 of the things i've been hoping to taste for a long time.|Korean and Fondue|
Since the start of the da chang jin craze, i really miss korean cuisine. Surprisingly, i miss the ikan bilis quite a bit and not the kimchi as much. I ate the typical with-egg-in-a-bowl meal today and it was really not bad! I ought to try some table barbeque soon too, cos i'm sure that will definitely make the whole korean cuisine revisit complete.
And for the longest time! I think since RGS days, i've been wanting to try the Haagen dazs fondue! Jay, when u read this, have u tried it already? It's really gd. Rmbr we wanted to eat it at the Haagen daz at Orchard? Maybe u can suggest to ben :)
This fondue sent me over the moon like nv before. I was sooo happy! Ask kendrick.
Lastly, i cant be more thankful today that i can finally confirm that i can backpack in europe! Below are some pics we took on occassions i got to know them better. I know it's long overdue, but qy, thank you sooo much for the steamboat u organised. I really like the russian chicken and breadcrumb ball. I wonder what it is called :)
Science ctr ysterday was not bad! I just hope we wont hang ard unable to decide what to do next in europe. Boss ryan, 靠你了!
kopped the following from 78 website. Hope tycrs doesnt mind!