Monday, March 30, 2009

Techy Geeky

Posted with Eeepc...

I just realised tt i havent posted rubbish photos for some time. Photography has taken priority for some time and there's been clearly more photos taken with my dslr of late on this space!:)

Some of my friends say i should maintain a photoblog proper and not have everything so chapalang.. but at this pt of time, i have no plans to maintain 2 blogs. So it shall be chapalang for now!

Today, i found joy in techy geeky stuff. Actually, i've been loving my eeepc more than ever since i bought it cos it has been truly useful to me! It's so nice to carry it ard and the convenience it has brought me is such a bonus.


Last wk when i was waiting for frens at simlim, i was actually able to come out with the excel spreadsheet for my research data entry. If i haven't had my eeepc with me, i would be wasting time staring into space and zoning out :)

Sounds pretty awesome right?

Booting my eeepc makes me happy cos i see this desktop background with 2 of my fave colours.


(i know...i cant help it but notice the disparity of photo quality but it's ok! I'd explain why!)

My excitement for Eeepc doesnt end here. I'm actually looking forward to bring it to India. This little thing is going to let me do A LOT of things! At least i hope so:)

Just like publishing this post today, first, the photo was taken with my fujifilm compact. Then i take the memory card out and slot it into the SD card slot directly!


I could edit my photos if i want to before i upload to photobucket!

Today i successfully installed Adobe Lightroom on my eeepc. I perfectly understand the limits of this humble pc.. but if it allows me to process a few of my RAW photos taken with my Nikon D60, i'd be more than happyy! If it works, i shall not be too bored at night in India in my room alone and i could share some nice sights of India sooner :):) Yayy

I take my photos in RAW format and each file is abt 10 MB. To make sure i do not run out of space in India, i'd be bringing this wonderful thing! Portable harddisk :)


If u realise my electronics have all these kiddy girly floral stickers. It's to help me identify my stuff easily and i guess also to deter guys from taking it by mistake. haha.

I was thinking, IF i do get wireless internet access like yingxian is getting in the mountains.. i should be able to update this blog still :)

Excited :):)
