Monday, September 12, 2005

ich liebe Medicine

Now that we're a week into September, i realise lessons have started proper for a about a mth plus. It feels much longer than that actually, considering how much new knowledge we've been expected to acquire and the several hectic long days which i won't forget. In fact, today was another long day from 8-5 with only a half an hour lunch break in between! Sometimes i really wish i have more time to let all that i have to learn to slowly diffuse in my head. With all the influx of information, i feel that every new thing i learn is learnt at the expense of what i previously learnt. It's terrible i tell you... this feeling that if there were to be a surprise test i am sure to fail :(
On a more cheerful note, i really enjoy what i'm learning. Not only do i get to escape from dreadful physics lectures [sorry matthew!], i'm learning things i really want to know and i actually enjoy knowing and learning about them! Apart from the early start of lectures and days i'm super sleepy, i look forward to knowing more. Mechanisms of pathways, the details of the human anatomy and all all amazes me!!!
Ok.. hope i dont sounds overly excited.. Below are some photos taken during DnD:) Our table theme was Hats and it was a gd theme cos we could take a LOT of photos with different combination of hats.

You probably can tell we had a LOT of fun!!!

qiantai and me!

raymond and kah hua

wanqing and me with hot pink wig!

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