Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Revelations & Lessons in Life

Whoa... what a day :) Glad that the long day culminated on a happy note.

I was thinking while showering that there's a list of lessons in life and revelations that i hold so dear and ought to make a list! So here's my attempt...

(1) All Things happen for a Good reason
Christians will all agree with me on this. Isnt it amazing that the God who plans ur life is the same god who created heaven and earth? When u're in a difficult situation, always tell urself to hang in there and the reason for why the event is occuring in ur life will later be revealed. Challenges are meant to help you grow and shape you to become a better and stronger person.

(2) Having an expectation is a powerful propelling force but can also cause unnecessary distress.
I've been harping on this for so many times! Having expectations is a good thing but many of us can probably recall a very bad time when something fails to meet our expectations. I used to think that perhaps the way around this is to have no expectations at all. But i have discovered that the highest 境界 is to have expectations and not let it affect u.
Get on with life. Move on.
Stimes i think of unproductive time spent being upset is like sitting on a rocking chair. It gives u something to do but it really gets u nowhere.

(3) 凡事要看开点
Things are often not as bad as it seems. Always tell urself to hang in there, be rational and be objective.
Emotions often complicate things. It's good to learn to remove it out from the equation :)

(4) People are all different
God created us to be unique to make our world more interesting. haha..
Always remind yourself that what's different may not be wrong. Dont be judgemental and always question why things are done differently or why people behave differently.

(5) Differences can be reconiled with acceptance
An easy way to avoid problems is to blindly accept everything. Of a higher 境界 is to understand and appreciate the quintessence of the differences and then accept their existence.

(6) Whatever happens, stop to think first.
If it involves someone else, always see things thru their perspective
I've failed to do this so many times. Acting rashly is a recipe for disaster! If the consequence for not thinking first has upset someone, be responsible for it.

(7) Always assume the better of a person. Always give others the benefit of doubt.

(8) Helpfulness when not needed, no matter how good the intentions may be could do more damage than good.

(9) 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海波天空
My dad is best at this. I'm still learning :)

That's all i can think of so far.. :)