Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This Week

Just got back from dinner with our dearest mentor and i thought i should type this down quickly before i forget. Prof Low was saying that our career choice is pretty much dependent on 3As.
It's quite interesting cos this means that whatever inclinations we have now may not be what we eventually practise. I guess most people know this and most people have heard plenty of personal accounts on this. For me, I've always thought that i'm more of a Medicine person, cos i like spending time by the bedside and really getting to know the patient and then help him slowly fix his problem. But lately, i'm seeing more reasons why surgeons have chosen to be surgeons. Example. This orthopaedics surgeon was saying tt he chose to do what he's doing cos it is in his field that he can restore his patient's ability to walk with his intervention. Sounds great doesn't it? I've come to realise recently that i stimes have a lot of patience but i can be extremely intolerant to inefficiency at times. I still rmbr what my anat prof use to say. Physicians spend so much time fine tuning this and that but surgeons just go in a fix the problem. In a way, what surgeons do are more efficient ya?
This week thought me sth and that is to keep an open mind. I may have a liking for Oncology after working at National Cancer Centre for 7 mths, but Oncology is pretty much the Only exposure i've gotten.
I really feel a lot for patients with cancer and i really want to do something for them!
Today after seeing another uncle with Parkinson's disease, the whole exposure kinda struck a cord in me. It's a feeling likened to be an awakening interest. Hmm.. maybe i will visit the uncle again tmr and see what i can do for him :)

Another interesting quote from my mentor...
Physicians know everything but cannot do anything
Surgeons dont know anything but do everything
Pathologists know everything and do everything, but a day too late

Anyway, i thought i should post a photo cos i realise tt my entries have been rather wordy lately :)

A photo i left out from my entry of my KE room. Gab brought us these Koala back from his Australian trip for us :)

Before i forget, this week is also special cos it's my first wk with my Treo! Although the setting up was quite troublesome and getting used to it will prob take some more time, i'm quite sure i'll love it anyway.