Sunday, July 08, 2007
Can Somebody Enlighten Me
Morrie said that we wont know how to live until we know how to die. But don't you think that one of life's best teacher is life itself? If death hasn't got a chance to teach you how to live, u should let ur life do so. Learn from your mistakes and dont repeat it again.
I've been thinking that knowing how to live also begins from knowing yourself well. How many people can tell you that they know themselves well?
Anyway, i've been thinking about an interesting scenario that i hope someone can enlighten me about. Let me use an analogy...
One day, you find an apple on your desk and you happily assume that someone left it there for you and decide to eat it. Then someone comes along and ask if you've seen an apple and accuses you for stealing his apple. You then explain that you really thought the apple was a gift and later this man says,"Stop explaining that you assumed the apple was yours, why can't you just admit that you stole my apple?"
Let's not focus on the fact that it is indeed wrong to assume that the apple is a gift, but can you see that you ate the apple cos you really thought the apple was yours? If you explain your reason for eating the apple, are you being defensive? Why do accusers not see that you are plainly stating facts?
Isnt it interesting if the guy stop to think about why he left the apple on your desk in the first place? I think the best way to end this scenario is for both to see that they each played a part in the unhappy situation and so they both are quits.
I'm sure the guy didnt leave the apple there on purpose and you too didnt eat the apple on purpose :)
Let's try this again...
There are apples in the pantry and person A decides to take an apple while no one is around and thinks that no one while know who took the apple anyway. Person B on the other hand genuinely thinks,"Whoa, who is so kind to provide us with apples today?" and took an apple. Both person A and B did not know that was a CCTV in the pantry and both have been identified to be responsible for the theft of apples.
Can you see that if both of them tell the investigator that they honestly thought the apples were free for taking, person A is in the position to be accused for hiding his true intention?
Person B on the other hand was speaking the truth.
Why are people always so quick to judge that anyone who explains are just trying to cover their faults? I really hope that the next time someone explains something, you should stop to think that there are people who are stating facts, while others are hiding truth.
Perhaps my nature is to give people the benefit of doubt which is why i cannot be a policewoman. Instead of assuming that you are hiding the truth until proven otherwise, i choose to assume the better of people first. What kinda person are you?
I'm so sorry that if this nature of mine has upset you when you come to me for advice. I have no intention of being unsupportive but it is the truth that some people feel better if the listener sides them, but i am more likely to analyse the problem and try to see things for the offender's point of view.
Perhaps you might think it is 自欺欺人, but i just feel better that everyone has a gd reason for the things they do. I have felt terrible for having bad thoughts about people.
Lately, i've been having a crystal clear outlook of life. Life is simplier without unnecessary expectations. One day, Gab and i noticed a msg left on a patient's bed written using alphabet biscuits. I think it says something to the effect of 'Get well soon, love you loads.' Sweet indeed. Gab asked if i want kendrick to do something like that and my answer was it's nice, but i dont expect it. I think i have grown to enjoy unexpected surprises and not expect things and wait for someone to fulfil it. I really do not know how many people can understand this. Simply, if you get sth u like without expecting it, you're likely to be more happy than when you've been expecting it all along. Similarly, if you dont expect it, you dont lose anything if you dont get it but u'll be damn upset if you've been expecting it all along.
Of course, i'm still working the 境界 of having the expectations but not let the unfufilled expectations upset you. It's a gd practice of emotional control.
I dont let troubles trouble me for too long. I practise letting go, so dont be surprise if my memory of you hurting me is fuzzy. This keeps me happy and 拿得起放得下is really an art.
Recently, i have this funny thought: If life is a landscape, you shouldnt be appreciating it on land. It's probably better from the air. Just look at one of my fave pictures...
If you're standing amongst the trees and you may find your fave tree and appraise it for its beauty. But can you see how much beauty you'd be missing if you dont have a better view from above?
Anyway, back to the life analogy. I just feel that there are bigger problems in life that is worth harping on. You could spend all your time trying to debug a tree not knowing that almost the whole forest is on fire! But of course, some small problem can become big problems so perhaps the key to it is to have a gd grasp of both.
Looks like i've got a lot to think about. Can someone enlighten me if this is a correctly way to look at life?