Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sunrise Dream

I was told that on average, all of us have 4-5 dreams each night but it's hard to believe cos we seldom rmbr that many.

Anyway, i woke up today thinking abt what Bertram told me some time back. He thinks that the best sunrise photo he has seen was the one published on a certain issue of National Geographic magazine.

At that time, i thought all photos of sunrise look similar and i couldnt really identify my favourite. I even thought i'd never do so until i saw one last night!

I dreamt of the most beautiful sunrise last night. The weird (or perhaps amazing) thing to me was the dream was set in Cambridge! Not that they have such sunrise there, but at the moment when i was watching the sunrise with the rest, i suddenly understood why some people love watching sunrise so much.

The dream was perfect, but for my own sake, i attempted to draw what i saw!

My friends and i with everyone else were waiting at the cliff for the sun to rise. The sunrise was very different cos it rose behind a distant island with tall trees! I just have to say
(1) I know that cambridge is no where near the sea
(2) I like this sunrise cos it's not the usual sun-rise-up-from-the-sea or a plain shot of the sky.

For those who have watched City of Angels starring Nicholas cage... rmbr the part where the angels would await the first beam of light from the sun? My friends waited patiently just like they did.

The moment the sun emerged behind the trees was so breathtaking that i suddenly felt that if were to die today, i could leave with no regrets cos i've seen something so beautiful! On the other hand, my friends from cambridge made me understand that the sunrise every morning was so worth looking forward to that they will work super hard for the rest of the day and await for the next sunrise.

The sunrise is a combination of some of these photos. Nothing comes close! It was just so beautiful :)

Hence, like my friends from cambridge, i shall work damn hard. I'm sure it will pay off.

Lastly, it was nice walking around cambridge like i just visited it. I ought to visit the place again soon!