Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sleeping Bug

I've been requiring a ridiculous amount of sleep, so much that i'm sure i'm prodromal for some stupid bug. My mom is serverely symptomatic though, with sorethroat, runnynose and headache. So perhaps it is the same bug.

I've been sleeping at 10 or before, sleeping on my way to and back home and stimes right after dinner. That's how much i've been ZzzzZZzzing! I have done zilch amt of work u know. It's alright i guess, i shall pull my socks up next wk onwards :)

While i am still awake, i shall post some photos!

Kendrick is back and he brought back quite a bit of goodies!

Chocolates galore

Manner, some of u might recall :)

Stroop waffles they all loved in Denmark

Tea! I love tea, now i have 12 flavours of English tea to choose from

My very own birkenstock

A children's book i'll read to my kids

On top of that, he also bought me 3 pieces of clothing from spain and a tulip jar for my mom and i to share :) yay

Thanks for everything :)