Saturday, August 28, 2004


These are my council buddies! :) From left: Alvina, me! and Kecheng. Alvina's from the 22nd council and kecheng's from 21st. Hmm.. I think alvina is still on the plane on her way to Newyork! :) When i was at the airport ystdy, i felt this sudden impulse to get a tic and fly off somewhere the very moment! Maybe with my buddy, maybe to somewhere i've always wanted to go. Ha.. shows how much i wanna run away from A's huh? Anyway, sending alvina off made me wonder if i really want to do medicine in singapore. It just seems so excting to fly off to somewhere possibly i've never been to study for a few yrs, do you think? It's upsetting tt i can no longer say "I want to do medicine here" in conviction. Then again, kecheng says it's a life time exchange thing. Medicine has more to offer for a lifetime.. :)
Alright, i better get back to work.. bleah.. :(

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