I think sometimes we just have to learn things the hard way.
Say u know something is bound to spoil your day, yet sometimes u actually let it happen...
I think i have to learn to identify what is potentially damaging to my morale, mood and general wellbeing and make the necessary decisions.
Sigh.. I had a funny conversation with a friend a few days back
A: I heard frm shi di wenyang tt shi fu 您老人家 最近心情不太好. 没事吧?
B: 对阿。我老人家身体最近不太硬朗
A: 发生了什么事啊?师父 您老人家要多保重呀! 有什么不开心的 可以找徒儿陪您去散散心 做做蛋糕
Thanks for all these encouragement. I think all thanks to my friends, i am actually sane most of the time
So currently, we're just friends. I hope i feel better aft this decision.
Edit: I just realised tt my prev post just a few hrs ago was a happy one and i'm feeling rather mellow now. Hmm.. i hope this isnt a sign of me being bipolar. After today, i hope i can remove the unhappy part and be consistently happy like i used to be :)