Sunday, March 23, 2008
Big Fish
This has to be one of the best movie i've seen :)
I rmbr vividly seeing the movie poster at lido beside the isetan entrance under 'coming soon'. The movie poster actually captured my attention and i made a mental note to watch it. I didnt have time to watch it when it was showing in the theatres and thereafter i saw the book a few times and the picture made me wonder what the story was about.
I'm so glad i finally found a link that can stream this movie rather decently. Despite it taking me hours to watch the entire movie, i'm glad i perservered!
Y'know, i only realised Big Fish is produced by Tim burton today, the same person who produced edward scissorshand. It's amazing that i have childhood memories of it. I rmbr vividly when my parents watched it on video, the garden that edward created was very pretty! I have to watch the show too... i think i was only 4 or 5 when i saw it :)
Also, i wonder how many of u rmbr "The Nightmare Before Christmas". I rmbr being quite terrified by how the characters look. Very stick-y and scary indeed for a child! No wonder i found "The Corpse Bride" looking somewhat familiar when i saw the trailer some yrs ago. Hmm... If i have the time, i will definitely watch these 2 stop-motion animation film :)
Perhaps i like how somewhat unconventional touch Tim burton always have on his films :)
Anyway, about the movie Big fish proper...
I shall leave out details about the story just in case u havent watch it (go watch it!) I was thinking, tt must feel quite awful to not know your dad and believe that he has a 'second life' elsewhere and then realised that the stories he he's told about himself which u stopped believing were actually true (at least not entirely factitious). On the other hand, it probably hurt a lot too when your son stops talking to you because he doesnt believe who u told him u really are.
Perhaps this is a reason why i always choose to believe everything until there's enough reason why i shouldnt believe something. I suppose most people are quite the opposite, they believe only when they have enough reasons to.
When was the last time u were doubtful about somebody when he/she tells u his/her reason for doing things? Next time when it happens, try asking urself what if what he/she's saying is the truth?
Just like how the Will Bloom in the story stopped believing his father's 'tales' when he grew up, i believe many of us learn to be skeptical and distrusting of others as we age. What happen to that inner child?
As mystical as the adventures of Edward may sound, i like how steadfast he is to his wife. And even though the wife played a very small role in the movie, i felt that their relationship came through as one tt was built of unfaltering trust. If a son can suspect that a father is having an affair, why wouldnt the wife? A wife that trusts and knows and believe how good a person her husband is wouldnt :)
"they say when u meet the love of ur life, time stops... and that's true. But they dont tell u that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up"
I also like the part when Edward described how he met his wife at the circus. I love the part when he felt that time stood still when he saw the love of his life and then the next moment u realised that so much time has passed. Just imagine meeting someone u like, isnt it true that for a moment u wonder about the possibilities of what lies ahead. You could be thinking, thinking and wondering and then the next moment, u realised that so much has moved on when u were still in that moment :)
I have a liking for details.. i also loved it when the director chose to freeze the popcorn in mid air to really accentuate how "time stops" and it was nice how Ed walked though them :)
I have so much more to write but i will leave it till the next time i watch the movie whole and smooth with no disruptions :)
Despite the movie being truncated very frequently, i already enjoyed the movie so much! Does anyone have the dvd?
I shall end with my favourite quote..
"Have u ever heard a joke so many times and you've forgotten why it's funny? Then u hear it once again suddenly it's new. You'll rmbr why it was funny in the first place."
If u havent seen this movie, pls do! :)