Thursday, May 29, 2008

It'll be Over soon!

With long case down, i can feel that the end is near! I can smell the holidays! yay

To be honest, i've been in holiday moood for some time, which explains the unproductivity.

For the past few days i realise that watching TV isnt entirely useless cos i did see a bit of paeds here and there!

For example, Did u know that Miss Iowa 2008 has cerebral palsy? Watch the video here!
I was so worried to get cerebral palsy for my long case.. cos i havent really clerked one properly...

Then when i was watching Tyra show over dinner, i saw this mother with Osteogenesis Imperfecta... commonly known as brittle bone disease. Can you believe that she is a mother to 2? And because OI is an autosomal dominate disease, her elder daughter has OI too. Interestingly, she has the classic triangular head shape that reminds me of my favourite boy of my entire posting, alexander.

I cant find the video though...

Alright... the next time i blog, i probably have freedom liao! YAY