Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tired day

I realise these few days that i actually learnt a lot of useful knowledge in A&E. Unfortunately, i cannot rmbr a lot of it :(

I wish i had memory of 'better resolution', cos stimes i rmbr where in the bk or where in the notes the answer lies, but all i can picture is a fuzzy image and i cant retrieve that info.

Well, on an optimistic note, i realise that it takes demoralising moments to 鞭策 yourself to improve. Sometimes i wonder when the transition from know it for a while to know it for good happens. I'm amazed myself how i can rmbr damn a lot during my tuition. How did all the info become so permanent?

I'm enjoying the 10pm show.. I like some of the ideas they explore.
Do you think people's opinion of you matter? Interestingly, it only occured to me today that we see ourselves less than the rest of the world watch us everyday. Does that make how we look like to the rest of the world very important?

Think about it :)