Saturday, August 09, 2008

Aging Perfectly

My mom is always worried that she wont age beautifully physically. She's so afraid that she'll become all wrinkly and ugly that she tells me she'd rather die early.

Y'know, i was teaching her how to check her email the umpteenth time and she never gets it. I know i'm supposed to be patient but she could be asking me questions which the ans have been written down on her paper before. I understand that perhaps the whole www and email thing is hard to grasp for the technologically unintiated, tt's why i really hope she gets it soon.

In the past i used to check her email for her, but i thought it was better to teach her than she always rely on me, cos her work could be rather untimely, like very late, when i'm busy with other things or just when i'm about to leave home etc.

Anyway, the point i'm trying to make is it freaks me out when i think of becoming senile. If i could choose to age physically or mentally, i'd choose to preserve my cognitive. Well, it'll be prefect if u could have both :)

I'm sure everyone knows Audrey Hepburn.

In case u dont, here's a picture...


I read her biography 4 years ago and in fact my thoughts were actually written in the first entry of this blog. To me, she's one of the few in hollywood that has showed the world that it is possible to age beautifully.

There was this picture in the biography which i cannot find on the web of her looking so perfect even with those wrinkles :)

The next best i could find are



From 1988 until her death in 1993 she served as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and was honoured with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work. She was doing a lot even to the very end of her life...

I guess i cant say for sure how perfectly she aged, cos the truth is i never really knew her.

But to me, if u were to ask me how i'd like to age. She will be my answer.