I rmbr that previously, i was all excited abt blogging on the go with my Palm Treo. It didnt happen that much actually cos my Palm treo inherently didnt come with wifi. Though it was possible with the wifi card i bought, it was honestly qt a hassel.
Eeepc is different! i´m waiting at YIH now for health&wellness centre to open and i had this urge to blog abt rain:)
It just started to rain.. i rmbr when i was young, i used to be so amazed by rain! Where did so much water come from? Y´know, i actually once believed that whenever it rains, it was god who was flushing his toilet bowl or showering :) Qt funny, now tt i think abt this ;)
I believe that u can smell rain. But for some reason, it smells of morning dew on grass to me! I rmbr how i liked it when i was able to tell my pri sch friends that the rain was coming not just from the darker sky :)
I´m feeling happy after blogging on my eeepc :) Hope it is just only the beginning of a happy day!