Interestingly, my blood test shows i have low normal haemoglobin count 12.1 (Normal: 12-16) and low rbc count. Is this caused by my daily epitaxis?
The nurse who took my blood was kinda rough. When she used the alcohol swab, she rubbed so hard tt there was petechial rash at the cubital fossa! She was wearing gloves but after she put on the tourniquet, she handed rubbish and a vomit bag before coming back to me with the same glove. By this time, i believe the tourniquet has been applied for far too long.
But thankfully, cos of chemical path lecture, i now know tt since my doctor isnt interested in the serum electrolytes. it shouldnt matter, right?
Anyway, when my hb is low, i think the lab tech went on to do peripheral blood film and reported tt my rbcs were largely normocytic and normochromic rbc.
Interesting day :)
Half soaked plaster :(
My new bruise.