I'm so glad my most dreaded days of the week are OVER! I survived a night call with much fragmented sleep + Woke up early to bathe + get to tutorial room in time for Q&A at 7.30 am and then back to school at 12.45 pm for ethics test, stayed awake thru a string of lectures and a bit of playhouse rehearsal.
I must say i felt guilty not having read all my ethics stuff.. i hope i'd pass :S
Anyway, because of my busy days.. it feels like i've been away for qt long when it's only 1 night. Quite a lot of things happened at home!
My parents called me in the evening today to tell me my granny just had a abdo surgery and is in Mt Alvernia. I rushed there and i felt terribly inadequate cos pple kept asking me what's happening and i was quite clueless. I am not informed and i couldnt get access to her casenotes. I felt even more awful that granny was in pain, pain score of 10/10 but i couldnt do anything but to tell her she's on a really powerful analgesic (pethidine) infusion hoping it'd help her psychologically.
When i came home, my TV got hijacked. Cos my parents' tv broke down. Now my corner table looks ugly with all the untidy wires :(
I must say... it's been a rather eventful 2 weeks. I think i've had enough.
Please... let my days get better!